Pin WhatsApp Chat: WhatsApp has brought another update for users. The instant messaging platform, owned by Meta, now lets users pin up to three messages per chat. This is going to be a really helpful feature for those who tend to search for specific messages quite often.
Tired of repeating the who, what where, when? No problem, pin it, reads a message on WhatsApp.
WhatsApp has so been letting users pin one message within the chat. But this number has now been increased to three. The feature is available for both personal as well as group chats. Once pinned, the message will be visible to everyone in a group chat.
Also, WhatsApp will let users decide for how long they want to pin a chat. There are three options to choose from – 4 hours, 7 days, or 30 days.
You can pin up to three messages to the top of a chat. Once pinned, the message stays at the top of the chat as a banner for 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days. Tap on the pinned message banner to navigate to the message in the chat, the company said on its page.
If a user has pinned more than one message, the banner will show the count. Also, the most recent pinned message will appear first in the banner. Users can tap the banner to see the next pinned message.
A pinned message is displayed as a banner at the top of the chat until it’s unpinned.
Step 1: Tap and hold the message.
Step 2: Tap More options > Pin.
Step 3: Select the pin duration (24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days).
Step 1: Open the group chat and tap the group name.
Step 2: Tap Group Settings > Edit Group Settings.
Step 3: Select All Members or Only Admins.
It should be noted that group admins will be able to choose to allow members to pin messages in a group chat.
You can easily unpin a message at any time before the set duration expires.
Step 1: Tap and hold the pinned message.
Step 2: Tap More options.
Step 3: Tap Unpin > Unpin.